PANMETAL in time
In 1955 Dimitris Panteleontidis opened a small commercial iron shop in the area of Vardaris, in Thessaloniki. This choice was something innovative for that time. The years passed, the innovation continued, and this resulted in the relocation of the small commercial store to a much larger space, on Tantalou Street. In 1973, along with the iron trade, the processing of iron plate by means of the available machines of the time, hydraulic shears and press brakes begins. At the end of the 80's and specifically in 1989 the company was renamed to "PANTELEONTIDIS BROS. and CO General Partnership", passing into the hands of Eugenios Panteleontidis, while it is transferred again to new facilities. The last stop of the relocations takes place in 2001, when Panmetal is transferred to the industrial park of Oreokastro, where it is located until today, in an area of 5,400 sq. m. Then the equipment is significantly modernized, and infrastructure is added for the shaping of iron plate up to six meters. A year later, in 2002, we add to our equipment a hydraulic shear and a 6-meter, 350-ton press brake, machines which existed exclusively in northern Greece. In the field of equipment, two important additions followed for the company, first a 3kw power CO2 laser cutting machine, in 2006, and four years later the second 4kw power CO2 laser cutting machine. In 2010, PANMETAL is now under the direction of the grandson, Dimitris Panteleontidis, and it remains so until today and it changes radically. Investing in equipment, organizing and targeting, always in accordance with the quality policy, is our absolute priority. From 2016 to 2019, the company's equipment is further modernized. Initially with a 4kw power Fiber Laser, the first in Greece, then with the second four meter and 320-ton press brake and finally with the third four meter, 230-ton and five axle press brake. This equipment helps the most in the development of our activity, which now exceeds the Greek geographical borders. Nowadays, outwork constructions are part of our daily life and our investments exceed 1.5 million euros per year. However, we do not stop here. History does not stop being written. It just happens with more knowledge, dedication and passion.